Healy goes back to the Wedge to build what used to be a Queen Anne. Today, Healy’s design is visible only in the general shape of the house.
The front gable end showing new siding and windows in 2012. |
Permit information:
2639-41 Bryant Ave. So.
28 x 52 Frame dwelling
Owner: T. P. Healy
Architect: ” ” “
8-22-89 / 10-1-89
Est. cost: $5,000.
Note that Healy uses uses punctuation to indicate that he is the designer of this house. The only time he does this on a permit.
New fenestration, asbestos siding, and the lack of original ornament insure that little of Healy’s design remains. Photo taken in 2011, before remuddling shown above on second-story facade was undertaken. In June of 1889, Healy took out the permit for a house wrecked for I-35: Permit information: 3132 Second Ave. So. 40 x 52 Frame dwelling Owner: T. P. Healy Architect: Builder: B19302 6-22-89 / 10-1-89 Est. cost: $5,000. This house is much wider than he is typically building at this time. The dates on the permits show that Healy is working on three different houses in two different neighborhoods at this time–Central and Kenwood. |